
Binocular Vision

Binocular vision means seeing with two eyes but, as ophthalmologists, we take it to mean more. We assume that using two eyes together and gaining a single image is better than using one eye at a time.

Diabetic Retinopathy

This condition is one of the leading causes of blindness in people with diabetes. It is a serious eye condition that can occur in individuals with diabetes. It is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye.

Low Vision

Low vision is used to describe a loss of visual acuity while retaining some vision. It applies to individuals with sight who are unable to read a newspaper at a normal distance of viewing, even with the aid of glasses or contact lenses.

Speciality Contact lens

Keratoconus is a degenerative disease of the cornea that causes it to gradually thin and bulge into a cone-like shape. As the disease progresses, the cone become more pronounced, causing vision to become blurred and distorted. Because of the cornea’s irregular shape, patients with keratoconus are usually highly Myopic and have a high degree of astigmatism that is not correctable with glasses. Keratoconus is sometimes an inherited problem that usually occurs in both eyes.


Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases in which the optic nerve is damaged leading to irreversible loss of visual field. The optic nerve damage is caused by the raised intra ocular pressure (IOP) although it may occur with normal IOP (Normal Tension Glaucoma) & even with low IOP (Low Tension Glaucoma).

Complete Eye Check Up

A comprehensive eye exam, also sometimes called a routine eye exam, consists of a series of tests to measure how well you can see and to look for any problems that might be affecting the overall health of your eyes. These can include ophthalmologic conditions, such as cataracts, but also unrelated medical issues that cause symptoms that affect the structures of the eyes, such as diabetes. It can be done by an ophthalmologist or an optometrist, depending on if there are any specific things about your eyes that need to be addressed.